Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stems & Straws

Monica: A couple of days ago, a guest handed Michael several wax-paper sacks filled with wild chanterelle mushrooms he had harvested locally. It was a generous gift, considering wild mushrooms sell for anywhere between $20-$100/lb. I got out my cookbooks and fired up Google to pore over recipes. I decided to make a risotto, combining elements of different recipes to come up with my own creation: chanterelle risotto with rosemary & sage. Michael likes the taste but not the texture of mushrooms, so I figured I'd make something that could handle minced mushrooms. The risotto turned out perfectly AND Michael ate a good portion without complaint. (I did fully disclosed the fact that I was serving him mushrooms. I learned early on that deception doesn't work with him.) Today on my walk, I was thrilled to discover several patches of small chanterelles on the property. Now I have to figure out what to make next.

Evelyn: Date night, car adventures, and ice cream. Justin is learning to drive. Getting where we need to go is a blend of luck and an amalgamation of new skills supported by internal yelling and external distress. Regardless, we are usually on "breaks" between each episode, and so eating burritos and laughing seems to ease the process quite a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Evelyn, He is truly handsome. I wish you write more about himself, his life, about your conversations with him. We know so little about what goes on in his mind. I wonder if he got the $20.00 I sent him for Holloween. Have a great weekend. I love you.
