Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Evelyn: I have a thing for frogs. I don't know why. Perhaps a part of it is in the way they show up in my life, little "check-ins," like a sticky wide-eyed visit. In the way that my own eyes are drawn towards a tiny creature, breathing and moving through life after quite the transformative journey, and reminded that I share this space with so many things I don't always see. It was almost 8:30pm when my "bunkmate" spotted him hanging out on the office window (as frogs tend to do in my life) and remarked on his presence - triggering an excitable hustle to pull out my cell phone and hope for a decent shot. I love these little visits.

Monica: It's getting towards the end of October and things are finally beginning to slow down here at the Farm. Michael and I decided to take a whole two days off (!) and head back to Wilbur Hot Springs for some deep relaxation and to explore the area a little more. It was 80° outside and sunny when we arrived, which made me giddy with happiness. We turned off the highway onto the dirt road that leads to Wilbur and were greeted by golden hills and a sparkling creek. I could feel the weight of tension lifting as we drove through the valley, over the bridge, past the gate, and into the little heaven that is Wilbur.

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