Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Moments of Wonder

Monica: This morning Michael brought me my coffee and the news that he had just sighted a new mushroom near the Farmhouse. "It looks like a flower—with petals and a round ball in the center that puffs brown powder when you push on it..." I followed him out with my camera and sure enough, there was a patch of these mushrooms I'd never seen before. It's a rounded earthstar, not edible, but really one of the coolest mushrooms I've encountered. I experienced one of those rare moments of wonder when you see something for the very first time, something you never knew existed and hadn't imagined, but there it is. 

Evelyn: On the way to Ybor City I couldn't help but to almost squeal in the delightful glimmer of the moon over Tampa Bay. The latest body of water I lived near was the size of a grocery store parking lot... and from Orlando, the nearest beach an hour and a half away. I feel like a kid getting glimpses of the water in new ways, and although this image is hardly spectacular, it at least bookmarks my delight on one given evening, in my life, on a ride to Ybor City to dance.

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