Friday, October 21, 2011

Moments & Time

Monica: This morning I opened our kitchen door and there was a monarch butterfly on the doorstep, waving her wings at me. "Well, hello!" I greeted her, and scurried back inside to get my camera. She was gone when I got back, but I looked for her and found her perched on the chives, cleaning her delicate antennae. She was beautiful. I love it when nature greets me first thing in the morning, reminding me that there's beauty to be seen each moment.

Evelyn: Time is an interesting concept - it is completely man-made, and it controls every aspect of our lives: my computer won't work without the proper setting of time, when a deposit posts impacts the ability to pay a bill. "Time is Money" and with sleep thrown in, it can not be saved, recycled, stored. Once it is lost, it is impossible to recoup. I recognize that I am sensitive to how my time is used, and feel the heavy disappointment when my time is not honored, with little consideration of the commitment of time, the agreement. I find myself feeling sad, discouraged, insignificant, and deeply disappointed. It leaves me in a space in which I could be doing something different, to ensure I am using my time in ways that feel good to me. I didn't expect my picture today to trigger such strong feelings.

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