Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Monica: Michael drove down to Oakland this morning to pick up his sister who is visiting for a week. When he got home, he plunked down a paper bag on the kitchen counter. I peered inside and saw this beautiful array of my favorite treat lining the bottom of the bag. I tell you, the man is worth his weight in gold.

Evelyn: This is the nose that prods me, early in the morning, to lift the sheet so he can curl up against my leg or back. The nose that nudges my hand for a tickle or scratch. The cold nose that pokes my face or leg when a walk is required, or makes it known that a treat is in order. This dear little nose... sometimes I don't recognize what a gift he is, such a bundle of unconditional love (other than when I haven't dispensed enough treats after a pee-pee break). This is the nose.

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