Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shot of Pink

Monica: I heard this great RadioLab podcast about being your own worst enemy and the methods different people have used to get unstuck. The story hit me like an arrow of truth to the heart. I recognize the ways I get in my own way and keep myself from doing the things I profess to love. I've been browbeating myself to write every day in an attempt to revive my enthusiasm, only to find that the resistance comes up ten times stronger. There's a big part of me that is mortified by treadmills and rat races, of binding what I love to do for fun to how I earn my living. I fear losing sight of the present moment and the pleasures of living when play becomes work. The irony is that I'm on a treadmill of stuckness, a routine of inertia, and I don't want that either.

Evelyn:  I haven't had this many people in my home for a while, and as with any living space extended to loved ones, there is evidence in small ways that we are all sharing common space. I loved the colorful array, like a sea of laces and leather, right at the gateway to my home - a resting place for just a piece of who we are...

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