Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Monica: Michael spends much of his chore time dealing with firewood. Splitting it, stacking it, hauling it, and stacking it again. Wood-burning stoves are the only heat source here and since we live in a climate that tends toward chilly most of the time, we pretty much have a fire burning 8-9 months of the year.

Evelyn: I love spring for the curiosities that happen... this fuzz ball seed came fluttering in through the open door and I immediately thought of Horton Hears a Who - in FACT - I brought it to my ear JUST in case. Reminds me that planting seeds happen in many ways - sometimes it is a soft fluffy process, but easily blown to new places, and sometimes it takes breaking an almost adamantine shell, holding that growth tightly until nothing else can happen but change. Feels sort of like my fuzzy mind lately - my inability to stabilize as I flit along looking for the best place to land... Somewhere in there is a seed ready to grow into something else, and for as much as I like the flittering around, I am really feeling ready to land.

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