Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Evelyn: I caught Gizmo sunbathing today, not in his usual way but pensively looking up through the window, standing in his spot of sun in the early afternoon. It was curious how he sat thoughtfully, taking a peek at my clicking camera, and then returning his gaze to the window. On the days I actually remember to open the curtains, he trots over to the most luminous spot on the rug, working his way over as it moves with the sun. I believe sunbathing is one of his most favorite doggie doings, and I sometimes hang back and just watch as he luxuriates in the warm rays. Sometimes I join him on his sunspot, rubbing his belly and speaking softly about how happy a dog he is... sometimes I wish I could do more of what he does, with a wag in my tail, and a daydream beyond the windows.

Monica:  I've been a couch potato for much of the past three days. It's been rainy and we haven't had many guests, so I've spent my afternoons by the wood stove with a mug of tea in my lap, reading The Falls by Joyce Carol Oates. It's such an engaging story, I've had a hard time putting the book down. I can read for hours at a time, allowing the day to stealthily slip by into darkness. The wet outside has discouraged me from going on my usual daily walk with my camera. I don't like being cold and wet, so I stay indoors, though I know there is a different world to see in the cold and wet: puddles that provide reflections, glistening droplets of dew, muted colors and soft shadows. These languorous afternoons are rare, so I relish them even as I feel a bit guilty for doing too much of nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
    -- Susan Ertz
