Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Dance

Evelyn: Raindrops, glorious and coveted. We are dry, the lake is drying up quickly, and a sudden whirlwind of rain was so deeply needed that my soul did a little happy dance while I observed the bending trees, and the blocked out street at a distance, while thundering drums pounded through the sky. 

Monica: I saw the fox again today. I was bringing our compost down to the garden, and when I stepped inside the gate, I saw movement between the garden beds. There she was. I talked to her softly as I moved to empty the compost. She stood still and watched me, curious. Then I left quickly to run back home to get my camera. When I returned, she was devouring some of the shriveled grapes I had just added to the pile. She didn't mind me or the camera. It seemed like she hadn't eaten in days, the way she was eating those grapes. And when she had her fill, she was off again, disappearing through the fence into the tall meadow grasses just beyond.

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