Monday, September 19, 2011

Under Patches of Light

Monica: I've been seeing a lot of snakes lately. I turn a corner and catch the flash of a tail disappearing in the grass. Today I came across one stretched in a patch of sunshine. The snakes know when to take advantage of a good thing—the last warm sunshine of the season.

Evelyn: Sometimes light surprises me. I don't always notice the way things light up, and in the process of photographing a piece of furniture my attention got engulfed by the way the light cut through the holes in the abalone shell onto my new-used-antique dresser. At the end of a long day, eyes tired, it is easy to ignore all the little ways in which the world is illuminated. I think that is why I love my camera, and taking pictures daily, as it makes me look into my world, and appreciate what is around me. It is so easy to get consumed by the rest of life, and there is beauty hidden everywhere.

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